Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Where I'm From

I noticed many of my peers posted their poems on their blogs; I know personally I enjoyed listening to the poems in class, so I thought I would post mine as well.

I am from weekends at Grandma's

sleepovers, phone calls, and dollar store trips,

swimming in the summer beside our pink brick.

I am from Barbie's and playing house,

cake for breakfast and pizza for dinner.

I am from hugs and kisses,

unconditional love and support-

Dream big and follow your wishes.

Never being afraid to fall down,

knowing I will always get help back up.

A big brother watches over me,

keeping me out of trouble and sometimes getting me in it.

I am from being their little princess

and getting spoiled rotten,

twenty pairs of shoes and still not finished.

I am from a place where I know I can always return;

A big black dog greets me at the door,

There is nothing I would change-

Nothing I could possibly want more.

Breaking In My Blog

In my TE 401 class last semester we created group blogs, however mine was not all that creative and I dreaded responding each week. My goal for this course is to change my current view of blogs as something that is required, to something that I will enjoy and find helpful. The best part about blogging this semester is that I'm not required to have written a certain number of posts or responses by a designated time slot, and the responses are up to my choosing.

It's been almost a year since I have taken TE348, and sadly I can not specifically remember certain elements about the course, I do recall that I enjoyed the time I spent in it. I can only imagine from the start of TE448 that I will enjoy it just as much (and hopefully be able to remember some things from it!).

I finished reading The Heart of a Chief this afternoon, and although I must admit I was slightly embarrassed pulling it out of my backpack while waiting for my college English class to begin; I actually did not want to put it down during my class discussion of another book! Chris' story was very inspiring- the fact that he was dealing with so much but never gave up hope for what he believed in. It's so easy to get down when things don't seem to be going how you want, and even easier to dwell on it instead of making a change. Even though the novel obviously dealt with more cultural issues, I felt that message of perseverance to be what most effected me.