Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 16- People Magazine

What do you think about when you hear People magazine? Celebrities? Fashion? High- Class Gossip? Or maybe you think of real stories, heart-warming tales and triumphs. In the March 16, 2009 there is a article entitled A Chance to Dance written by Sharon Cotliar and Kristen Mascia (pg 108). This short one page article takes a look at a Boston dance class that works with children living with down syndrome.
The most interesting part of the article? The sentence that reads "for many of [the students], basic coordination used to be a challenge, but now they spin and sashay". The first thing that came to mind when I saw this article was 'aww how nice,' but then the TE came out of me thinking- well why is such a inspiring and information article confined to just one page, when John Mayer and Jennifer Aniston have a two page spread debating whether or not they are right for one another? We talked about in class how many different social groups are under-represented in books, does the same under-representation span across all media? I think so.